Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Storms of Life

It has been said you are either going through a storm, headed in to one, or just got out of a storm!  Live long enough and you will discover the storms of life do indeed come.   We know so many of you are bravely walking through various storms in your personal lives right now.  From health battles, wayward children, marriage difficulties, death of loved ones, financial stressors, or juggling the demands of children.  The storms of this life can be discouraging, right?  However, what IF we followed God with perseverance instead of insecurity?

This month we are taking a journey through the books of I and 2 Timothy in preparation for the IF:TCAL on March 2-3.  These letters were written by the Apostle Paul, who was also acquainted with sufferings.  He was beaten, imprisoned, and ultimately killed for sharing the gospel in hostile territories. However, he persevered.  He persisted.  He did not give up.  He trusted in the God whom he met on the road to Damascus (Acts 9).  In I Timothy 1:18-19, we read Paul’s encouragement to his little brother in the faith:

“I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience.  Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith.”

Paul’s instructions to Timothy are also beneficial for us.  We must navigate the storms of life by resolving in our hearts to fight the good fight and to hold on to our faith!  If not, the consequences are grave.  Paul says in rejecting the truth, some have shipwrecked their faith.

So, what does fighting the good fight look like? 

It is caring for your aging parents.
It is serving joyfully in the children’s ministry.
It is showing up to The Well when you are terrified to go.
It is courageously fighting through a cancer diagnosis.
It is trusting God through a difficult season of marriage.
It is washing those dishes one more time!
It is living in community with other believers instead of isolating in fear.
It is reaching out for help when you need it.
It is intentionally spending time in God’s Word to grow your faith.

We know so many of you are already fighting the good fight and not giving in to insecurities that can tempt us all.  We see you.  God sees you! You inspire us! Let’s be women who walk in perseverance instead of insecurity. 

We are praying for you as we countdown to IF:TCAL.  Have you registered yet?  REGISTER 
Invest and invite a friend! We know God is going to teach us some incredible truths to help us persevere through any storm!

Lynzee Bolton 

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